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Listed below are expert Ducoterra SolaRay dealers. Our dealers can answer your questions about infrared heating with SolaRay panels and help configure and size panels for your needs, all for free with no obligation to purchase.

If you are interested in becoming a reseller or dealer of Ducoterra’s SolaRay heating panels, please fill out our dealer inquiry form.

Heating Green
Jeff Caldwell
518 Ohio St Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 715-4328
Mighty Energy Solutions
Georges Lafontant
3108 SW Webster St Seattle, WA 98126
(610) 585-8851
(206) 880-1558
Radiant Empress
Radiant Empress
(970) 367-7377
Equipment Direct Sales (Goodyear HVAC Sales)
Michael Manning
20 Scanlon Drive, 2nd flr Randolph, MA 02368
(508) 584-0126
(508) 580-4466
Great Lakes Building Innovations
Brian Wartella
Ortonville, Michigan 48462
(248) 793-5356
Compass Heating and Air Conditioning
Mike Gundersen
1051 E. Main Street Suite 106 East Dundee, IL 60118
(630) 441-6561
(630) 504-8688
Ellis Builders
Catilin Hughes-Parry
955 Cliff Road
Eagan, MN 55123
(651) 214-2657
(651) 245-0935
Crumley Electric
Timothy Crumley
477 Blood Street Granville, NY 12832
(518) 260-0899
Hot Yoga Heating
Michael Marney
Tulsa, Oklahoma
(918) 344-6156
(844) 964-2468
LCM Infrared Heating
Leigh Merswolke
820 King Street N #4 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4G8 Canada
(519) 573-7619
OnDemand Heating
Michael Marney
PO Box 1056 Owasso, OK 7055
(918) 344-6156
Tidy House Services
Philip Hamby
141 Elizabeth Street Rear
Pittston, PA 18649
(570) 290-1253